Earth Day is April 22. This day was created to spread awareness, information, and support of environmental protection across the world. It is the perfect chance for you to talk about recycling, saving water and energy, protecting plants and animals, and reducing pollution. It is important to teach our children how to care for the […]
While at the park, you see your child take a toy away from another child. Your first instinct is to grab the toy away from your child and say something like, “We don’t take toys from people. Now, tell him you’re sorry.” However, many early childhood educators suggest that forcing children to apologize, when they […]
It can be hard to tell the difference between age-appropriate behaviors, and those behaviors that may signal a deeper problem. Age-appropriate behaviors, even if they are challenging, are behaviors that help children learn and progress in their social development. It is normal and necessary for children to test limits in order to learn about relationships […]
No time to exercise? Think again! As our kids head back to school, we’re squeezing more than ever into our hectic schedules. But you can work in plenty of physical activity for the whole family — simply by walking more. No other form of exercise is as easy, convenient and inexpensive. All you need is […]
As parents, we want our children to be generous, kind, and cooperative with others. We may think we can help them learn these skills by requiring them to share with others. However, many educators now believe forcing children to share does not actually teach the intended lessons. So let’s start by thinking about the social […]
There are many important life lessons we want to talk to our children about. Sometimes it’s not easy to find the right words. But what if they were already written for you? No matter the subject you want to explore with your child, chances are there’s a children’s book that talks about it. Fun, colorful, […]
During the holidays, there are often many extended family meals and get-togethers. Once the holidays are over, however, we often go back to our busy, everyday lives. School, work, homework, and after-school practices and activities take over, while family meals and time spent together often take a back seat to quick, on-the-go meals in the […]
How much screen time is too much? What should my child be watching? When do I limit their usage, and how? These are common questions that many parents struggle with in this age where technology is everywhere! While technology is more readily available and can be a wonderful source of learning, even for children as […]
Young children are bombarded with sensations and information everyday. They struggle to understand their experiences and make sense of the world and their place in it. How can a child, four years old or even younger, hope to make sense of this complex world? The answer is play: we know children learn and develop socially, […]
One of the biggest questions parents ask while raising children is when to start toilet training. While there is no specific correct answer, most children are ready to start toilet training somewhere between the ages of 22 and 30 months. Some children can be ready earlier; other children may take longer to become interested. There […]
Your child’s incredible mind has been growing and changing since the moment she was born. He is on a path to developing complex thoughts. She is eager to learn, question, and make sense of the world around her. He is developing cognitively. Children’s cognitive skills are improved when they form questions and find solutions by […]
These days, many children have schedules that could challenge most CEOs. Their days start early, end late, and are full of organized activities. Sports practices, music lessons, playdates, and homework for school-age children can result in stressed-out, unhappy children—and parents. While parents want to prepare their children for the future, and believe they’re doing what’s […]